Life with a Myositis Disease

The laughter and tears that come with living with Polymyositis

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Location: fort worth, texas, United States

Friday, November 11, 2005

More Doctors?!

Well, I went for my follow up with the neurologist yesterday. We had a great time needling each other, but he went back to insisting that I make appointments with a psychiatrist (for renewals on my antidpressants due to all the other meds I am on - the neuro wants someone familiar with the meds to monitor that end) and a GP. This man is relentless! Two more doctor appts?? *sigh* My new insurance company is going to LOVE me!!

I had to get two blood draws, as well. I am looking forward to getting an update on my CK levels, particularly as I've been losing muscle again in my shoulders, but Geez! Some of the techs are nuts! One went for a vein in my wrist, couldn't get it, so kept fishing the needle around muttering 'I am going to get this vein!!' I finally told her to give it up and go for another one before she severed something important.....

Mom comes today!!! I am so excited to see her, but know this is a trip she doesn't need. She's tired and stressed, and I feel terrible that she's coming up here for a week when she'd rather be home relaxing. I can't wait to show her what I've done to the house, though. Plus, she is aces at decor, etc so she's going to work on my furniture arrangements. I just kind of plunked everything into place, so there really isn't much 'design' to it ;-)

Heidi is feeling better - I think. She has more energy, but her appetite is inconsistent and she is doing odd things, like consuming her own urine. What is THAT all about?! You really need a strong stomach to have animals, or kids. Some of the inexplicable things they do are just disgusting! Heidi has also taken to expending her energy by pacing about the house in the middle of the night. With all my wonderful new hardwood and tile floors, it rather sounds like a drowsy woodpecker pecking all night.

I am ALMOST unpacked....just some final touches in my closets, about a 1/2 dozen boxes of books, a garage to organize....ok, ok....I'm giving myself a headache. Unpacking has never taken me this long before! WHEN did I collect all this stuff? For the first time in my life, I am actually contemplating a garage sale. Mom loves them, I hate them. I hate the haggling. For gosh sakes! Why on earth would you haggle over a dollar? Just take it! I usually just donate stuff, but I am feeling the pocket pinch with the new floors and having to start all over with a new medical deductible. $500 in my first two appointments! Maybe I can make at least a little cash from a garage sale.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree about the doctors. Sometimes I think I have more doctors than I do friends! It sure seems I see the docs more often anyway.

I think a garage sale is a great idea. We had one last year with no planning at all. Just at the last minute took some stuff out to the yard, posted some signs around the block and waited. Before noon we had made over $200 and since we were getting hot and cranky called it quits. Imagine if we had planned ahead and actually stayed out there all day.

Glad you're settling in. Feel good soon!

11:46 AM  

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